Selena Hidalgo Calderon
I'm sorry I haven't gotten to blog yet from General Assembly. It's been quite a ride so far. There have been lunches and dinners, meetings and more meetings, a couple of drinks and some St. Louis barbeque. But right now I want to talk to you about our current immigration crisis.
With you, I have been sick and disheartened about the stories and images that are coming out in the media, even and especially the ones which are originating from within Mission Presbytery. I have talked with friends and colleagues from all over the country who have been in tears, who are discouraged, who feel powerless and defeated. I have felt "all the feels" myself, and probably a few more this week. And I've decided that I'm going to have to do what I can - which is to pray, to march, to write, to travel as possible, to speak out.
Yesterday I took part in an immigration rally with probably another 30-40 PCUSA members. During the lunch break, we went over to the park next door to the convention center and, with the help of our friend Susan Krehbiel from PDA, shared stories of those who have lost their lives because of the fear sown because of our policies.
I invite you to join me in remembering Selena Hildago Calderon. She was a young mother originally from Guatemala, living in Syracuse, NY, killed at the hands of her partner. She was afraid to report his abuse because of her status. Her one year old son, Owen, is still missing. I was given her name and story on a piece of paper to read at the rally. Since then Ihave carried the paper in my nametag,which keeps it close to my heart. I pray especially for Owen.
I realize you may have a different opinion. But I believe that todaty's action by our President is not going to have the positive impact for which we hope. While the order will keep families together, it still criminalizes those who are seeking asylum. And to the best of my knowledge, seeking asylum is not a crime. We still have so much work to do.
From St. Louis, I have been in touch with our friend Caly Fernandez, and I'm trying to determine what we might be able to accomplish by going to the Valley next week. I'll keep you posted on the plans in case you might want or be able to join us.
I'm praying for you, friends. Praying for families which may never be together again. Praying for our elected officials, that they may have the decency to be informed not only by their lives of faith but also by our American history. And I'm praying for God's help for me, and for you, and for all of us as we seek to be God's people the best we can. God, show us what you would have us do. Amen.
I'm sorry I haven't gotten to blog yet from General Assembly. It's been quite a ride so far. There have been lunches and dinners, meetings and more meetings, a couple of drinks and some St. Louis barbeque. But right now I want to talk to you about our current immigration crisis.
With you, I have been sick and disheartened about the stories and images that are coming out in the media, even and especially the ones which are originating from within Mission Presbytery. I have talked with friends and colleagues from all over the country who have been in tears, who are discouraged, who feel powerless and defeated. I have felt "all the feels" myself, and probably a few more this week. And I've decided that I'm going to have to do what I can - which is to pray, to march, to write, to travel as possible, to speak out.
Yesterday I took part in an immigration rally with probably another 30-40 PCUSA members. During the lunch break, we went over to the park next door to the convention center and, with the help of our friend Susan Krehbiel from PDA, shared stories of those who have lost their lives because of the fear sown because of our policies.
I invite you to join me in remembering Selena Hildago Calderon. She was a young mother originally from Guatemala, living in Syracuse, NY, killed at the hands of her partner. She was afraid to report his abuse because of her status. Her one year old son, Owen, is still missing. I was given her name and story on a piece of paper to read at the rally. Since then Ihave carried the paper in my nametag,which keeps it close to my heart. I pray especially for Owen.
I realize you may have a different opinion. But I believe that todaty's action by our President is not going to have the positive impact for which we hope. While the order will keep families together, it still criminalizes those who are seeking asylum. And to the best of my knowledge, seeking asylum is not a crime. We still have so much work to do.
From St. Louis, I have been in touch with our friend Caly Fernandez, and I'm trying to determine what we might be able to accomplish by going to the Valley next week. I'll keep you posted on the plans in case you might want or be able to join us.
I'm praying for you, friends. Praying for families which may never be together again. Praying for our elected officials, that they may have the decency to be informed not only by their lives of faith but also by our American history. And I'm praying for God's help for me, and for you, and for all of us as we seek to be God's people the best we can. God, show us what you would have us do. Amen.
Oh, Sally, I've been hoping for a word from you about this. Thank you. And I look forward to hearing as plans develop as to what we can do. I've prayed,blogged, contacted representatives, ranted and raved, watched too much news, and read too many disturbing posts. I see nothing of the gospel of Christ in the treatment of these people, especially by the Administration. Lord, show us the way! On another note, it looks like things are going really well at General Assembly. Thanks for your service! Peace! jane pettit